SBEC Family Night - 2024

We are excited to share with you that Society of Bengali Engineers Canada [SBEC] will host a magnificent annual event "SBEC FAMILY NIGHT - 2024" on Saturday, 27th April 2024 at “Markham Convention Centre” as our venue, located at 2901 Markham Rd, Toronto, ON M1X 0B6.

Tapan Chowdhury is comimng to touch your heart and mind with his super popular songs!

We are glad to announce that as per our last BOD meeting, our following BOD have willingly taken the responsibility for “SBEC FAMILY NIGHT 2024” as – 

  • Convenor: Ajoy Majumder
  • Cultural Committee headed by: Sailaja Chakravorty Saurove
  • Overall supervision: Biplab Kumar karmaker

As per BOD meeting Ticket Prices for SBEC FAMILY NIGHT 2024 are as follows:

  • Age 12 and above - $ 50.00
  • Children 5 to under 12 years - $ 40.00
  • Children under 5 years - Free

You can buy  "SBEC FAMILY NIGHT - 2024" through e-transfer to

It will automatically be deposited to SBEC bank acccount.

Please write your name and number of persons (example Name: abcd xyz adult 2 children 1) in the message of the e-transfer


Welcome to Society of Bengali Engineers Canada [SBEC]

Membership in the SBEC is open to any person possessing Hindu or Buddhist or Christian in faith to furthering objectives of the SBEC and who has at least:

  • Bachelor degree in engineering or Architecture, IT or Agri- engineering or
  • AMIE Certification in any discipline of engineering or
  • Diploma in any discipline of engineering and posses P. Eng in Canada or similar professional affiliation in Canada or North America.

The members of the “Society of Bengali Engineers, Canada’ shall be classified into the followings:

  1. Regular Member: A Regular Member shall be that person who pays yearly dues as determined by the Board of Directors from time to time.
  2. Life Member: Any Regular Member paying an amount of CD$ 300 on admission shall be regarded as a life Member of SBEC. A life member shall have all the privileges of a Regular Member and who shall not be required to pay any more dues towards the membership of SBEC.
  3. Honorary Member: Any individual making substantial contribution towards the aims and objectives of the Society shall be eligible to become an Honorary Member with recommendation of the board of directors. He/she shall not be required to pay any fee and shall not be entitled to vote.
  4. Student Member: Any individual who is pursuing a professional degree program in Engineering or Architecture.

An individual desiring to become a member shall complete the application for Membership form with the necessary particulars. Upon the application being approved by the Board, the applicant will be accepted as a member subject to payment of the requisite membership dues accordingly his/her name will be includes in the membership register.

Rights and Privilege: All regular and life members shall have equal rights and privilege, in the Society and have the right to vote in the general meetings. Honorary Member shall enjoy similar right and privileges like Regular Member except for the right to vote or hold the office of the Board. To be eligible to vote, a member shall have to pay the dues for the current year in full and be in good standing continuously for a minimum period of 90 days prior to the occurrence of the general meetings.

Dues and Obligations: The Members are obligated to pay admission and monthly or annual membership fees. The membership fee is fixed at $10 (Ten dollars) as annual subscription. The Board will review the amount of fees from time to time and will require approval of two-third of total members present in a general meeting to make any change.

Withdrawal of Membership: Any member may resign from and withdraw the membership of the Society by giving written notice of his/her intention to the Secretary, provided all dues and existing obligations owed by such member to the Society are paid at the time of cession of membership. The Board however may consider resignation of a defaulting member giving exemption of outstanding dues or obligations if any.